Dancers in 7th-12th grade for 24-25 season are eligible to try-out for the winter teams.
2024-2025 Winter Competitive Placement Try-Outs
Monday, October 21st - 4:30-7:00 PM - Middle School AUX Gym
Tuesday, October 22nd - Audition Times/Groups - Middle School AUX Gym
Wednesday, October 23rd - Zoom Placement Conferences
Dancers should wear their hair in a bun, black-fitted athletic/dance apparel, and jazz shoes for their auditions.
During our Winter Try-Outs, dancers will learn a portion of our Varsity Kick and Jazz routines as well as a few individual skills we will also want them to demonstrate during their Audition (including but not limited to: splits, pirouettes, a la seconde turns, leaps, jumps, and kicks). Dancers' current ability, future potential, attitude, and effort will all be considered when making placements for our Competitive Teams.
Dancers will be placed into try-out groups on the first day and will be assigned to a half hour time slot for the Tuesday try-out. Each dancer will also be scheduled a
5 minute conference time the following day (Wednesday) to go through their individual team placements, get feedback from the coaches, and review areas of improvement.
• Dancers who earn a spot with our Winter Competitive Program will be placed on KICK and JAZZ Varsity, JV or B Squad rosters.
• Some dancers may be on Varsity for one routine and JV or B Squad for another.
• Being “In Formation” means a dancer is showing readiness to compete at the time of placements. This is not necessarily a secure spot and can be changed at any time, as needed.
• A “Shared” position will be determined by coaches for dancers who may rotate in/out of a spot.
• Dancers with a shared position will be learning the same choreography and position as another dancer. These placements are subject to change throughout the season depending on competition readiness.
• An “Alternate” position is a dancer who will be shadowing another team member or in some cases, a few different spots. Alternates will learn all of the choreography, but at the time, it will be a position to allow for learning and growth.
• These athletes will work on improving skills/form/flexibility/stamina, and have the opportunity to get into formation with other dancers to learn the flow of the dance and demonstrate individual improvement and readiness.
• The dancer that is being “shadowed” will be a dancer in formation and competing. The dancer who is shadowing will be focused on improving and may eventually be moved to a shared position with another dancer, or placed in formation (depending on readiness).
• All dancers may be asked to learn multiple spots during the season, depending on what is needed for the team.
Placements will be based on where the coaching staff can see each athlete reaching their full potential. There may also be opportunities for movement between teams based on attitude, effort, and progress in ability level during the season.
NPDT Spring Clinic 2025
Thinking about dancing with the Trojans? Come to our FREE Spring Cinic and learn a dance combo and work on skills while having fun getting to know new dancers!
You will perform in various groups, and go across the floor demonstrating a variety of skills. Please come in active wear/dance/workout appropriate attire, tennis shoes, and jazz shoes if possible. Bring a water bottle with you as well. Hair should be up in a secure bun. This clinic is open to all NEW interested dancers that will be entering 7th-12th grade for the 2025-2026 School Year.